
Vehicle Security (Part One)

  Personal Security In and Around Vehicles Because many crimes are committed in and around your vehicle, you should consider yourself to be in a “red zone” whenever you approach or leave your vehicle.  A “red zone” is any place that by its very nature merits extra attention and precautions.   Many ambushes occur in and around vehicles.  This is true for everything ranging from a stalker or jealous ex, to a sophisticated terrorist attack against a high profile target.  This is due to the fact that vehicles bring with them vulnerabilities that criminals can exploit.  If you leave for work or back home at a predictable time it is easy for a criminal to watch for you to approach your vehicle which will probably be parked in the same location and drive the same route day after day.  You probably have just one driveway and entrance to your garage, and it is quite likely that the number of directions from which you can reach a destination may be very sma...

Wisconsin Concealed Carry Basics in Two Minutes!

  Wisconsin Concealed Carry Basics in Two Minutes A concealed carry license in Wisconsin allows you to carry in public A concealed handgun A concealed “billy club” A concealed electric weapon (stun guns and Tasers™) You can carry all these things concealed without a license on your own property or legally occupied land, or inside your place of business if you are at least 18 years old and not prohibited from possession All knives are legal in Wisconsin, including switchblades.  The need to have a license to carry a concealed knife in WI was removed years ago. If you are at least 18 and not ineligible to possess a firearm you may carry any kind of knife concealed without a license in Wisconsin. Local regulation of knives is gone.  Municipal knife ordinances about blade length and such things still appearing on the books are unenforceable. It’s perfectly legal to open carry (unconcealed) a firearm, knife and billy club without a license if you are at least 18 years old and ...

Where can you carry with a Wisconsin Concealed Carry License?

 As of today, here are the states where you can carry a concealed handgun with a Wisconsin CCL. Many states are "Constitutional Carry" and do not require a concealed carry license, and others simply honor the Wisconsin license.  Including Wisconsin, currently you can carry in 35 states. Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado Florida Georgia Idaho Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Michigan Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska New Hampshire Nevada North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Axioms of Concealed Carry

 I've begun to compile principles of concealed carry (and personal protection in general) that I consider to be axiomatic.  I will expand upon each of these over time.  These are in no particular order.  This is a work in progress. 1. In any decision you make regarding personal protection, compromise is ALWAYS present, whether you are aware of the compromise or not.   It's better to be aware of them. 2. Never assume that luck will be on your side.   Luck comes in two forms:  good and bad.  Minimize your reliance on luck. 3. You are on your own.   Never expect someone to rescue you. 4. Reaction time is critical.   You must be able to defend with minimal delay. 5. There are no perfect solutions or answers.   (This is closely related to #1.)  Go with what works best for you. 6. Avoidance is (almost) always preferable to fighting.   You never lose a fight if you are not in it. 7. If you must fight, win as quickly as possible. ...

Welcome to my new blog

WELCOME! You will find a broad range of topics here-- all related to the topic of crime and personal safety. Understand that putting the word "Wisconsin" in the title does not mean this is of interest only, or even primarily, to people who live in Wisconsin. I am located in Wisconsin, USA. Occasionally an installment will be specific to Wisconsin, e.g., legislation in this state. But most subject matter is relevant regardless of location. My goal is to provide a resource for the reader to broaden their knowledge of the many things that go into keeping yourself safe in our less-than-perfect world.  Obviously there is no guarantee that you can avoid all harm in this world, but there are many things that can be done to better your odds. Topics that you can expect to see presented here include: The importance and cultivation of awareness training to avoid becoming a victim Carrying and using weapons Recognition of different types of violence and best practices for avoidance T...