Wisconsin Concealed Carry Basics in Two Minutes!
Wisconsin Concealed Carry Basics in Two Minutes A concealed carry license in Wisconsin allows you to carry in public A concealed handgun A concealed “billy club” A concealed electric weapon (stun guns and Tasers™) You can carry all these things concealed without a license on your own property or legally occupied land, or inside your place of business if you are at least 18 years old and not prohibited from possession All knives are legal in Wisconsin, including switchblades. The need to have a license to carry a concealed knife in WI was removed years ago. If you are at least 18 and not ineligible to possess a firearm you may carry any kind of knife concealed without a license in Wisconsin. Local regulation of knives is gone. Municipal knife ordinances about blade length and such things still appearing on the books are unenforceable. It’s perfectly legal to open carry (unconcealed) a firearm, knife and billy club without a license if you are at least 18 years old and ...