Vehicle Security - Part Three
More About Carjacking As auto anti-theft systems have gotten more difficult to overcome, the crime of carjacking has increased. Why try to defeat a sophisticated anti-theft system when you can simply take a vehicle from the driver after all anti-theft safeguards have been deactivated? Carjacking can happen anywhere but mostly occurs in urban commercial areas while the driver is entering or exiting a parked vehicle. Over 90% of carjacking occur in urban or suburban areas In a national survey 93% of carjackers were male In the same survey a weapon was used in 74% of carjacking 45% firearms 11% knives 18% other weapons Places carjacking occur: 44% open areas, such as along a street 24% garages, parking lots, and near commercial areas (malls, gas stations, restaurants, office buildings) Carjacking happens frequently at intersections while a car is stopped and blocked by vehicles front and back. To prevent this, do not stop too close to the car ahead of you....